The Jewish Lobby Is The Principal Enemy Of The First Amendment, Former Senior Diplomat Warns | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

The accursed blasphemous heresy and gutter religion Judaism is repeatedly exposed as a false religion in scripture by men of God. The scriptural injunctions against this accursed gutter religion of Judaism are many and various!

Talmudic Jewish lobby’s opposition on free speech and free expression is out in the open. The JudeoSatanist lobby is one of the worst enemies of free speech in America while hypocritically cites free speech when they agree with the speech being expressed (if they don’t agree with it, they turn into full-on cancel culture vultures).

Natural News:

Amid pro-Palestinian demonstrations condemning Israel’s genocidal acts in Gaza, the Antisemitism Awareness Act was passed in Congress. For former Ambassador of the United States to Saudi Arabia Chas W. Freeman Jr., the Israel lobby that pushed for the legislation is the “principal enemy” of the First Amendment.

The act passed in Congress by a vote of 320 in favor and 91 against. The bill would mandate that the Department of Education adopt the broad definition of antisemitism used by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA), an intergovernmental group, to enforce anti-discrimination laws.

This would also strengthen the crackdown efforts on nationwide university protests. The proposal first defines antisemitism and then gives the Education Department the ability to suspend funding if it determines a school does not act against students who violate that definition. Once passed and rolled out, it will give the department new tools to threaten or punish schools that don’t take the department’s definition of antisemitism seriously.

The bill is seen by Freeman as another attempt to suppress denouncement of Israel’s genocidal attacks in Gaza.

“The principal enemies of the First Amendment in recent years have been… the Israel lobby,” he said in a May 4 “Dialogue Works” interview. “Basically, they have tried to prohibit any speech opposed to the state of Israel.”

He also pointed out that the redefinition of “antisemitism” conflates opposition to the mass killing and starvation of civilians with an irrational hatred of Jews. “Anti-Semitism is not the same as anti-Zionism and people who object to genocide or the conduct of that by a foreign government cannot be called antisemitic,” he said.

Meanwhile, The Hill opinion contributor Miko Zeldes-Roth pointed out that the act codifies a definition of antisemitism that is hostile to both Palestinian rights and Jewish safety.

“The bill adopts the IHRA definition of antisemitism, which has been criticized for ‘conflating Judaism with Zionism in assuming that all Jews are Zionists,'” the writer said.

According to him, the new bill has been opposed by the American Civil Liberties Union, which rightly sees it as an attack on the constitutional freedom of speech. One would think that establishment American Jewish leaders, even if they do not agree with the demands of pro-Palestinian student protestors, would subordinate their support for Israel to their support for American democracy, especially in a time of rising authoritarianism. (Related: The First Amendment must be scrapped to “protect Israel,” says ADL.)

Such conduct against freedom of speech and criticism of Judaism is nothing new under the sun. The faithless accursed Jewish religion has been the enemy of free expression and open debate since the days of the apostles!

•The Jews habitually falsely accused the Saints (Acts 6:8-15; Acts 26:1-11; Acts 22:1-10)

•The Jews regularly persecuted and attempted to kill Jesus Christ (John 7:1, John 5:16-18; John 8:57-59; John 10:31-33; John 11:8-9)

•The Jews regularly persecuted and afflicted the Saints and apostles for proclaiming Jesus Christ as the Son of God (Acts 9:23-25; Acts 21:27-36; Acts 7:51-60).

•The Jews actively and violently opposed the gospel being proclaimed (Acts 9:22-24; Acts 13:45-50; Acts 14:1-7; Acts 17:1-9; Acts 18:12-17; Acts 21:27-36).

•The apostle Paul was regularly and violently attacked and persecuted by the Jews (Acts 21:27-36; Acts 9:19-25; 2 Corinthians 11:24-26).

•Stephan, the first Saint killed for the faith, was persecuted and martyred by the Jews for rebuking Judaism and proclaiming Jesus Christ (Acts 6:8-15; Acts 7:34-60).

Scriptural Injunctions Against The Jews And Judaism | The Heresy Of Judaism

Jewish Donors Demand Universities Cancel Free Expression Or Lose Their Financial Support | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Judaism Is Alien To The Patriarch Abraham And The Laws Of Moses | Scriptural Injunctions Against The Heresy Of Judaism

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The Blasphemously Evil Depiction Of Jesus Christ In The Blasphemous Babylonian Talmud Of Judaism | The Heresy Of Judaism

Example Of Extreme Blasphemy Against The Lord Jesus Christ In The Babylonian Talmud Of Judaism | The Heresy Of Judaism

Judaism Sanctions Flirtation With Demonic Entities | Satanic Nature Of Judaism

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