Horrific Atrocities Against Greece By The Jewish Lobbyist-Funded Nazis During World War 2 | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

The satanic Jesuit order and their underlings in the Antichrist-spirited Jewish lobby have been the secret unseen hand behind the rise of Nazism and Hitler’s war of destruction against Europe. As a Slavic man I know my history and the truth is that I am against Nazism BECAUSE I am a white nationalist. Along with the equally demonic barbaric ideology of Communism, Nazism was one of the worst most destructive forms of white genocide as more white Europeans suffered under Nazi rule than even the barbaric warfare of the pagan Greco-Roman Empire.

The horrific crimes against Greece and the Greek people are one such example of why I, as a white nationalist, oppose Nazism as a form of white genocide just as much as I oppose Communism for the same reason.

Jew World Order:

The Nazis’ response to the resistance of the Greek people was horrific. They imposed a bloody regime of terror, which, in its brutality, resembled the ruthless National Socialist (NS) wave of extermination in the Soviet Union. National Socialist jargon declared it necessary to establish “order” in Greece and decisively “crack down” on “the formation of gangs,” i.e., partisans. Hitler stated in September 1944, “There are areas, like Greece, that are absolutely incapable of maintaining order by themselves.” (12)

And this was what “order” looked like: In Greece at least 100 villages were destroyed and 30,000 fell victim to acts of revenge by the Wehrmacht. Thousands of partisans died in at least 26 hostage and prison camps located on Greek territory.

The method of collective punishment for the population for actions by the partisans was first tried out in May 1941 in Crete, where residents fought with particular bravery against the occupation of the island.

In the autumn of 1941, the occupiers introduced a quota, announced officially by local military commander Speidel, “In the future, for every murdered German soldier, 50 Greeks will be shot, for every man wounded 10 Greeks.” This order was not always followed in practice; the quota was often 1-10, but sometimes much higher. For example, when 335 Greeks were shot in May 1944, it was 1-84. (13)

These orders from the highest levels of the military prove that the Wehrmacht’s crimes were not “emergency” measures taken under conditions of the fight against the partisans, as was claimed for a long time after the war. On December 16, 1942, Hitler and the supreme commander of the Wehrmacht, Wilhelm Keitel, issued the “order on gangs,” which contained provisions for mass murder: “If this struggle against the gangs in the east and in the Balkans is not conducted with the most brutal methods, the available means to overcome this pestilence will not exist for the foreseeable future. Troops are therefore justified and obligated to use all methods in this struggle, also against women and children, if it leads to success.”

It went on to state: “No German deployed to combat the gangs can be disciplined or held legally responsible under the laws of war due to his behaviour in the struggle against the gangs and their collaborators.” German governments defended this stance long after the war’s end.

Already prior to the order, commanders in the field had ordered troops to proceed with “the utmost ruthlessness” by “abandoning all formulae and by consciously disregarding all special courts” (Kurt Student, commandant on the island of Crete), and to fight back with “the strongest available means.” Several villages, which “evidently served as sanctuaries for the gangs,” should be “flattened.” (Wilhelm List, Wehrmacht commander, southeast). (14)

As commander of the German paratroopers and Wehrmacht units that landed on Crete on May 20, 1941, Kurt Student was responsible for the first massacre by the Wehrmacht. Under his orders, soldiers destroyed the villages of Kondomari and Kandanos on June 2 and 3, and shot over 200 male inhabitants.

The Nazi terror in Greece, which counts among the most horrific crimes of the Nazis in non-Slavic countries, remained unknown in Germany for some time. The most brutal massacres against defenceless villagers included:

• The campaign of extermination in the Viannos region on Crete, in which over 20 villages were razed to the ground and over 500 inhabitants killed (September 14-16, 1943).

• The massacre of Kommeno in Eprius in northern Greece, where the 12th company of the first division of mountaineers murdered 317 people, including 172 women, 97 children under the age of 15, and 13 infants (August 16, 1943).

• The Kalavryta massacre on the Peloponnesian peninsula. After several Wehrmacht soldiers were kidnapped by the ELAS resistance army and subsequently killed, division commander Karl von Le Suire ordered the use of the “harshest form of retaliatory measures” in “operation Kalavryta.”

On the approach to the city of Kalavryta, the 117th Jäger division destroyed over 50 villages, shot the vast majority of their residents and confiscated large quantities of livestock. Upon their arrival in Kalavryta, the invaders confined all women and children under 14 in a school building, which they set alight, while almost 700 men were shot on a nearby hill. They subsequently burnt down the area, including the historic monastery at Kalavryta (December 13, 1943).

(12) Hagen Fleischer, “Deutsche ‘Ordnung’ in Griechenland 1941-1944” in: Loukia Droulia and Hagen Fleischer (Ed.), Von Lidicie bis Kalavryta. Widerstand und Besatzungsterror. Studien zur Repressalienpraxis im Zweiten Weltkrieg, Metropol: Berlin 1999, p.151.

(13) Fleischer, pp. 202-204.

(14) Fleischer, pp. 154-56.

(15) Manfred Ertel, “Blutbad im Bergstädtchen”, in: Der Spiegel 1/1998. In a Videodocument (in German) a survivor describes the horror of the massacre.

(16) Fleischer, p. 192.

(17) Gavriela Etmektsoglou, “To Olokavtoma ton Ellinon Evraion”, in: Istoria tis Elladas tou 20ou aiona. B’ Pangosmios Polemos, Katochi, Antistasi 1940-1945 [“The Holocaust of the Greek Jews”, in: History of Greece in the 20th Century. Second World War, Occupation, Resistance 1940-1945] Vivliorama: Athens 2007, pp. 175-95, here: 176. The details of the murder of Jews in Greece given here are based upon this essay.

The enemy of civil liberty which is seen by the Jesuits and their underlings in the faithless Jewish lobby was on full display during the rise of Nazism and Communism. This type of conduct from the lobbyists of the Antichrist false religion of Judaism is nothing new under the sun. The faithless accursed Jewish religion has been the enemy of free expression and open debate since the days of the apostles!

•The Jews habitually falsely accused the Saints (Acts 6:8-15; Acts 26:1-11; Acts 22:1-10)

•The Jews regularly persecuted and attempted to kill Jesus Christ (John 7:1, John 5:16-18; John 8:57-59; John 10:31-33; John 11:8-9)

•The Jews regularly persecuted and afflicted the Saints and apostles for proclaiming Jesus Christ as the Son of God (Acts 9:23-25; Acts 21:27-36; Acts 7:51-60).

•The Jews actively and violently opposed the gospel being proclaimed (Acts 9:22-24; Acts 13:45-50; Acts 14:1-7; Acts 17:1-9; Acts 18:12-17; Acts 21:27-36).

•The apostle Paul was regularly and violently attacked and persecuted by the Jews (Acts 21:27-36; Acts 9:19-25; 2 Corinthians 11:24-26).

•Stephan, the first Saint killed for the faith, was persecuted and martyred by the Jews for rebuking Judaism and proclaiming Jesus Christ (Acts 6:8-15; Acts 7:34-60).


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Example Of Extreme Blasphemy Against The Lord Jesus Christ In The Babylonian Talmud Of Judaism | The Heresy Of Judaism

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