Western Jewish Liberal Modernity vs Islamic Mohammaden Barbarians Is A Classic Example Of A Clash Between Two False Alternatives | Unmasking The Tactics Of The Jesuit-Jewish-Illuminati New World Order

The false dichotomy is when only two opinions or viewpoints are presented and creating a limited scope of discussion (in the case of Patrick Little, and others like him, anything anti-Jew is good, so Islam is great because Islam is anti-Jewish, and the false dichotomy plays out when bashing Islam gets me accused of being an Israeli Mossad agent of useful non-Jewish pawn for the Mossad. This also is seen with the counter-jihadis when I get called an “antisemitic IslamoNazi” or “pro-Hamas” for my anti-Jewish videos and blog posts. It’s the false dichotomy and clash of two false alternatives and you are left without any third-party alternative)

This is why the Bible is so liberating, we don’t get sucked into any clash of false alternatives because our final authority is scripture alone. So in the case of “Islam vs Judaism” I am liberated from this false dichotomy because my Bible shows me both Muslims and Jews are lost souls who need salvation and neither side is right spiritually or morally. It’s the same with Modernity vs Islam, my Bible tells me that Western modernity is nothing more than the embrace of the wicked immorality of immodesty, alcoholism, feminism, abortion, homosexuality, and everything else wrong in Western society, and I refuse to accept this as any sort virtue and rather I see this as a disgrace and a cause of the decline of the once great American Experiment… HOWEVER, that does not mean the Saint of Christ should at all be for Islamic migration just because Muslims are generally against a lot of Western liberalism because Islam is a violent bloodthirsty demonic false religion and is also far from any sort of moral purity considering that the Hadiths actually give exceptions for masturbation, pedophilia, incest, prostitution, and also homosexuality in Paradise with the “hairless pearly youths” the Quran mentions (believe me, I’ve read the Hadiths, and seen the parts where even the punishment for bestiality is debated and the part where Allah allows Muhammad’s companions to masturbate before Jihad and all the homosexual implications of Muhammad’s private life and the fact Muhammad engaged in necrophilia, etc.)

Muslim Nations See Rampant Rise Of Necrophilia | Muhammad’s Satanic Perverse Fruit

The False Prophet Of Islam Sanctions The Horrible Sins Of Prostitution And Necrophilia | Muhammad’s Satanic Perverse Fruit

The Islamic False Prophet Muhammad’s Obscene Interactions With Aisha | Muhammad’s Satanic Perverse Fruit

This does NOT mean the liberal modernity and degeneracy is any less disgusting and immoral and destructive to Western and European society!

Mental Health Problems Among Sodomites | Health Hazards Of Homosexuality

Homosexuality Is HIV Filled | Health Hazards Of Homosexuality

Incarceration Rates Are Higher Among Sodomites In The United States | Facts About Homosexuality Which Are NOTHING To Be Proud Of

Pride Month? | Facts About Homosexuality That Are NOTHING To Be Proud Of

Research Finds That Homosexuality Is More Dangerous Than Smoking | Facts About Homosexuality That Are NOTHING To Be Proud

The following is an insightful article on the matter, and although we don’t endorse their National Socialism (Nazism is a Jewish-Jesuit creation for white genocide) we refuse to engage in the Jesuit-Jewish tactic of dismissing the entire source of the information on this ground alone, the truth is the truth regardless of who says it.

Fitzpatrick Informer:

We know that world Jewry is behind the radical Left and the Islamo-African invasion of the West, but Zionism has a script to follow, and it is one that could be exploited for Western gain.

Zionism is a tool for world Jewry (elite Jews), not an end in itself. But for many average Jews (especially conservative ones), Zionism is the end and they wholeheartedly believe in it, as do many Protestants. It seems these are the kind of Zionists with which the West could ally in order to help battle world Jewry’s greater plans of using the Left and Islam to clear the world of whites, Christians, and conservatives in preparation for their world Communist Hasidic empire.

The Zionist script is fundamentally nationalistic, moralistic, and ethno-centric, which is what the West had been up until about the 1960s when world Jewry introduced their immigration schemes and cultural Marxism. World Jewry doesn’t care for nationalism because world Jewry is cosmopolitan (Chabad admits it is “not Zionistic). Nationalism is a hindrance to their advancement. They are after world government while rank-and-file Jews simply want a homeland of their own and to, more or less, live under the security of Western mores. Ultimately, world Jewry is stringing along little Jews with a deliberately handicapped Zionism. We know this is true because world Jewry funds the anti-Zionists as well, mainly through their Eurasian channels (Russia, China, North Korea), and more and more portrays Zionism unfavourably in their mass media racket. When Soviet garden gnome Henry Kissinger not long ago predicted the imminent end to the state of Israel, he wasn’t making an educated guess, he was revealing part of world Jewry’s plan.

The trick for us is to use the Western-friendly aspects of Zionism to keep Islam and the Left under control, especially in Western countries. World Jewry knows that Zionism does not have the full support of the West and conservatives, and it prefers it this way so that it doesn’t have to push too hard in advancing the conservative values that little Jews want (before you read on here, make sure you understand what Operation SIG is all about). World Jewry just advances Zionism enough that it suits their cause of keeping the Middle East perpetually destabilized (via the Yinon Plan and Operation SIG), draining America and Britain’s reserves, and in turning the world against the West (via anti-Zionist, anti-colonialist indignation, victimization of Arabs). Your average Jew is not after these things. They want things similar to Western conservatives. Therefore, by Western conservatives coming together in support of little Jew Zionism, world Jewry’s hand is forced to advance the Zionist fundamentals that check Islamo-Leftist goals (in Israel and in allied countries like the United States, Canada, England, etc.).

You might ask how exactly this tactic would force world Jewry’s hand. It’s very simple. World Jewry fears the little Jews realizing that they are being played by their elder brothers, so they must meet their demands or else the house of cards will come crashing down and world Jewry will lose the support of its own rank-and-file members. This would create all sorts of new problems for their world program, and that is something it doesn’t seem they are prepared to tolerate. By Western conservatives supporting little Jew Zionism in greater numbers, it becomes much more difficult for world Jewry to ignore the demands of the rank and file. It might be hard for some to believe, but it seems that little Jews are under as much control, if not more, as we gentiles in the West are.

There is yet another set of hands that would be forced to act against Islam and the Left should Western conservatives come together in support of little Jew Zionism. The hands of Western governments. They are obedient to world Jewry; however, they may not be in the know of the elite Jew vs. little Jew toxic relationship. Therefore, they might not know the difference when little Jewry calls for such and such action that World Jewry does not necessarily want. For example, little Jew Zionists could demand restricted borders to Islamists in the United States (something that actually started to happen shortly after 9/11, but its momentum eventually fizzled out) and Western governments would be greatly pressured to act, especially with a large base of Western conservatives backing said little Jews. The above is just one example. There are many other commonalities we share with little Jews that could be used to pressure our governments to actually govern in our sovereign favour.

In order for this tactic to work more effectively, more Jews would have to support Zionism as well. By design, it seems that Zionism is losing a lot of support in Israel itself, as many Israeli Jews are moving toward the Left. The evidence of this is the growing support for LGBT, unfettered immigration, and anti-Zionism in Israel. The popular anti-Bibi rhetoric is an effect of this and not some awakening to the Soviet Israel control over the region as it might seem.

It seems that world Jewry’s larger goal here in this advanced stage is to destroy the West using anti-Zionism. But in order to do this, they will have to sacrifice the state of Israel in the process. They are OK with this. As I mentioned, their Zionism won’t be limited merely to the borders of Palestine but will encompass the entire globe.

We are no longer living under ideal governance in the West and the above strategy just might help us. At the very least, it might buy us a bit more time.

Championing anti-Zionism or Islam (Arabs, Palestinians, Persians etc,) is suicide for the West.

We have covered extensively the danger to civil liberty the Jesuit-Zionist Jewish lobby poses and has shown itself to be.

Jewish Lobby’s IHRA Definition of Antisemitism Further Shows The Jewish Lobby To Be The Enemy Of Free Speech | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobby Decries And Bemoans Freedom Of Speech In Australia | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobby In The UK Is Upset At The Lack Of Arrests Against ‘Antisemites’ | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobby Pushes Manifesto Against Freedom Of Speech In UK | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobby In France Gets Anti-Judaism Comic Banned, Sparking Free Speech Debate | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobby In Poland Cheers For Law Attacking Freedom Of Speech | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobbyists Organize Internet Mobs To Attack And Oppose Free Speech | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobby Is Using Antisemitism Label To Stifle Freedom Of Expression | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Horrific Atrocities Against Greece By The Jewish Lobbyist-Funded Nazis During World War 2 | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobbyist Bankers Funded The Rise Of Nazism In Germany In Line With The Jesuit New World Order | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobbyist Organization ADL Exposed By Undercover Journalist For Plot Of Censorship On Social Media | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobbyist ADL Opposes Freedom Of Speech And Expression They Don’t Like | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Lobbyists Force Newspaper To Publicly Apologize For Printing Anti-Judaism Easter Poem | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Organization Gets $105 Million Of US Taxpayer Dollars To Import Non-White Immigrants | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Real Estate Developer Intentionally Strikes Demonstrators With His Car For Not Being Pro-Israel | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Teacher Charged With Terroristic Threats After Threatening To Behead Student For Calling Jewish Flag Offensive | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Jewish Donors Demand Universities Cancel Free Expression Or Lose Their Financial Support | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

The Jewish Lobby Is The Principal Enemy Of The First Amendment, Former Senior Diplomat Warns | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Talmudic Jewish Lobby’s Double Standards On Free Expression | Judaism Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

Be carful to keep this in mind and heart as controlled opposition will set up false dichotomies and force you into a box that doesn’t actually exist.

Useful Tips To Spot Controlled Opposition And Identify Tactics Of Controlled Opposition | Unmasking The Tactics Of The Jesuit-Jewish-Illuminati New World Order

This scripture, although not about this specific issue, provides a good description of the type of liberty the Saint of Christ has and why it’s impossible to spiritually or mentally enslave a Bible-reading society.

2 Corinthians 3:14-17 (KJV) – But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ. [15] But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart. [16] Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away. [17] Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”

Another important reminder from the word of God:

2 Timothy 1:3-7 (KJV) – “I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day; [4] Greatly desiring to see thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy; [5] When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also. [6] Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands. [7] For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”

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