Mental Health Problems Among Sodomites | Health Hazards Of Homosexuality

A large 2008 meta-analysis stated that homosexuals/bisexuals as compared to heterosexuals had increased risk for depression and anxiety disorders, alcohol and other substance dependence, and suicide attempt. The results were similar for both sexes, but female homosexuals/bisexuals had a particularly large risk for substance dependence, while male homosexuals/bisexuals had a particularly large risk for suicide … Continue reading Mental Health Problems Among Sodomites | Health Hazards Of Homosexuality

Homosexuality Is HIV Filled | Health Hazards Of Homosexuality

Contrary to what social leftists will have you believe, sodomy is far from normal and natural. There are all kinds of diseases and health problems that are caused by engaging in sodomy. In 2019, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated: "Gay and bisexual mena are the population most affected by HIV in the … Continue reading Homosexuality Is HIV Filled | Health Hazards Of Homosexuality

Desecration Of Sodomite Crosswalk Causes Frenzy Of Outrage Among Homosexuality Lobbyists | LGBT Lobby Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

The homosexual lobbyists are completely losing their minds at some of their sodomite crosswalks being desecrated by some based individuals who represent the silent majority sick of the constant homosexuality-LGBT lobbyism from sexually perverted deviants and degenerates. The LGBT homosexuality sodomite lobby is the enemy of civil liberty and would love to throw into prison … Continue reading Desecration Of Sodomite Crosswalk Causes Frenzy Of Outrage Among Homosexuality Lobbyists | LGBT Lobby Is The Enemy Of Civil Liberty

LGBT-Sodomite Terrorists Send Bomb Threats After Target Pulls Back Pride Merchandise

The sodomite-transgender lobby exposes its terroristic side by sending bomb threats to Target. The sodomite-tranny lobby is never satisfied at any level of pandering! Breitbart: LGBTQ radicals reportedly deluged Target with bomb threats in retaliation to the retail giant pulling back on some of its Pride Month merchandise after significant backlash.The bomb threats were allegedly … Continue reading LGBT-Sodomite Terrorists Send Bomb Threats After Target Pulls Back Pride Merchandise

Incarceration Rates Are Higher Among Sodomites In The United States

The incarceration rates of sodomites is higher than the general population in America. That says a lot about the violent nature of sodomites. A study by the Williams Institute found that the incarceration rates of lesbian, gay, and bisexual people are approximately 3 times higher than the already high general U.S. incarceration rate. The study also found … Continue reading Incarceration Rates Are Higher Among Sodomites In The United States

Research Finds That Homosexuality Is More Dangerous Than Smoking | Health Hazards Of Homosexuality

Homosexuality is completely unhealthy and unnatural and perverted. Studies have shown that years of smoking can shorten the lifespan of the smoker from one to seven years. An analysis of the death age in Norway and Denmark for sodomites who are married suggests that engaging in homosexual behavior and sodomite acts reduce lifespan by 24 … Continue reading Research Finds That Homosexuality Is More Dangerous Than Smoking | Health Hazards Of Homosexuality

Pride Month? | Facts About Homosexuality That Are NOTHING To Be Proud Of

QUICK FACTS ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY THAT DEMONSTRATE THAT HOMOSEXUALITY IS NOTHING TO BE PROUD OF: The median age of death for sodomites is 42 years old, whereas the median age of death for a married heterosexual man is 75; though women in general still tend to live slightly longer than men, lesbians have a similarly significant … Continue reading Pride Month? | Facts About Homosexuality That Are NOTHING To Be Proud Of

Discovery+ Makes Perverted Reality TV Show About Teenager Drag Queens

In keeping with the transgenderism lobby's agenda of transgenderizing the next generation of white youth, the Discovery+ channel has come out with a new reality show about teenagers who mutilate their bodies and cross dress (otherwise known as becoming trannies and drag queens). The transgenderism of future generations is one of the top priorities for … Continue reading Discovery+ Makes Perverted Reality TV Show About Teenager Drag Queens

Anti-Tranny Man Arrested For Threatening Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The tranny-pandering of corps will get backlash without a doubt. The tranny lobby constantly pressures companies to pander to their demands, regardless of the level of insanity. Officials say the anti-tranny man left “hate-filled” threats under the entries for “female” and “girl” in Merriam-Webster. RT: A California man has been charged with making threats to … Continue reading Anti-Tranny Man Arrested For Threatening Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Thinking Scripturally About Homosexuality

Homosexuality in light of the holy scriptures. Genesis 9:20-24 (KJV) - “And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard: (21) And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. (22) And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told … Continue reading Thinking Scripturally About Homosexuality